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Flat feet, also known as fallen arches, is a condition where the arch of the foot collapses, causing the entire sole of the foot to come into contact with the ground (Mayo Clinic).   This can lead to pain and discomfort, as well as an increased risk of injury. However, with proper care and preventative measures, it is possible to keep flat feet under control and maintain overall foot health.

One of the most effective ways to prevent and treat flat feet is through the use of orthotics (Medical News Today). Orthotics are inserts that are placed inside the shoes to support the arch of the foot and redistribute weight. They can be prescribed by a podiatrist or orthopedic specialist but also some specialized ones can be attained at retail such as SelectFlex.  Orthotics can be made from a variety of materials, including foam, plastic, and leather.

Another important step in preventing and treating flat feet is to wear the right type of shoes. Shoes that offer good arch support and have a sturdy heel are ideal for people with flat feet. Avoiding high heels and shoes with minimal support can also help. People with flat feet may also benefit from shoes that have a rocker sole, which can help reduce the stress on the heel and arch.

Exercise is also important for preventing and treating flat feet (Cleveland Clinic).  Strengthening the muscles in the feet and lower legs can help support the arch and reduce the risk of collapse. Simple exercises such as picking up marbles with the toes or rolling a golf ball under the foot can help to improve muscle tone and strength. Stretching exercises for the feet and lower legs can also be beneficial.

Flat feet can also be caused or exacerbated by being overweight or obese. Losing weight through a healthy diet and regular exercise can help to reduce the stress on the feet and lower the risk of developing flat feet.

Regular visits to a podiatrist or orthopedic specialist can also help to prevent and treat flat feet. These professionals can provide a diagnosis, recommend treatment options, and monitor the condition over time.

In some cases, flat feet may require more invasive treatments such as surgery. However, this is usually only recommended as a last resort and only if other treatments have been ineffective.

In summary, flat feet can be a painful and uncomfortable condition, but with proper care and preventative measures, it can be controlled. Wearing orthotics and the right type of shoes, exercising, maintaining a healthy weight, and regular visits to a podiatrist or orthopedic specialist can all help to prevent and treat flat feet.

Consider Wearing SelectFlex Adjustable Orthotics to Help Treat Your Flat Feet. 








Plantar fasciitis is a common foot condition that causes pain and inflammation in the heel and bottom of the foot. It is caused by inflammation of the plantar fascia, a band of tissue that runs along the bottom of the foot and connects the heel bone to the toes (Mayo Clinic).  Plantar fasciitis can be a debilitating condition that can make it difficult to walk or stand for long periods of time.

Fortunately, there are many things that you can do to prevent and treat plantar fasciitis. Here are a few tips to keep in mind:

  1. Wear the right shoes: Wearing shoes that provide adequate support for your feet is one of the most important things that you can do to prevent and treat plantar fasciitis. Look for shoes with good arch support, a cushioned heel, and a flexible sole. Avoid shoes that are too tight or too loose, as these can put extra strain on the plantar fascia.
  2. Stretch your feet: Stretching your feet is another important step in preventing and treating plantar fasciitis. Try stretching your calf muscles and the plantar fascia by doing exercises such as the "toe stretch," "calf stretch," and "plantar fascia stretch."
  3. Use orthotics: Orthotic inserts can provide extra support for the plantar fascia and help to alleviate pain and inflammation. There are many different types of orthotics available, so be sure to talk to your doctor or a podiatrist to find the right one for you.  Consider Wearing SelectFlex Adjustable Orthotics to Help Relieve Your Plantar Fasciitis (Cleveland Clinic).
  4. Take rest: If you have plantar fasciitis, it is important to take time off from activities that put extra strain on your feet. This will give your plantar fascia time to heal and recover.
  5. Ice your foot: To reduce pain and inflammation, apply ice to your foot for 20-30 minutes several times a day.
  6. Try physical therapy: Physical therapy can help to strengthen the muscles in your foot and ankle, which can help to prevent and treat plantar fasciitis.
  7. Watch your weight: Being overweight can put extra strain on the plantar fascia, so maintaining a healthy weight is an important step in preventing and treating plantar fasciitis (Johns Hopkins Medicine).
  8. Be mindful of activities: Pay attention to activities that cause pain or discomfort in your feet and try to avoid them.

In addition to these tips, it's important to see a doctor or a podiatrist if you suspect you have plantar fasciitis. They can help to diagnose the condition and develop a treatment plan that is tailored to your specific needs. In some cases, they may also recommend additional treatments such as corticosteroid injections or extracorporeal shock wave therapy.

In conclusion, plantar fasciitis is a common and debilitating condition that can cause pain and inflammation in the heel and bottom of the foot. It can be prevented and treated by wearing the right shoes, stretching, using orthotics, taking rest, icing the foot, trying physical therapy, watching your weight and being mindful of activities that cause pain or discomfort. It is important to see a doctor or a podiatrist for a proper diagnosis and treatment plan. With the right care and attention, you can overcome plantar fasciitis and keep your feet healthy and pain-free.

Consider Wearing SelectFlex Adjustable Orthotics to Help Relieve Your Plantar Fasciitis. 


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Back pain can cause interruptions in your daily life. It can be excruciating for some and it's actually a very common problem people face today. According to (WebMD), it is the second most common reason why people visit the doctor. It can appear as a sharp burning pain or can manifest as a dull ache. There are many causes including the spine being out of alignment, injuries, chronic conditions, and others. The good news is that most cases are preventable. Let's explore the following tips for preventing back pain:

1) Exercise Often
If you're out of shape, chances are that your spine is out of alignment, which can cause back pain. You may think that resting is best when you have an intense painful episode, but it is actually better to get your back moving and release tension from your vertebra.
2) Improve Your Sleep Position

Use pillows to create an ergonomic position while you sleep. If you sleep on your back, place a pillow under your knees and another under your lower back to support your spine.

3) Stop Smoking

The (National Institute of Health) reported a correlation between smoking and the occurrence of back pain. That's due to the restriction of blood vessels that block the flow of nutrients. It affects spinal discs making smokers a population at risk for back pain.

4) Practice Proper Nutrition

Osteoporosis makes your bones weak. The (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services) reports that the leading cause of back pain is from spine fractures from osteoporosis. This can be prevented by ensuring you consume proper amounts of calcium and vitamin D as well as having an overall nutritious diet.

5) Use Foot Support

Your feet play an important role in the alignment of your spine. (Harvard University)  reports that dynamic arch support alleviates back pain. Orthotic Insoles such as SelectFlex Arch Control Insoles allow you to immediately feel support and allow your whole body to align as a healthy spine should. The shoe inserts provide the benefits of orthotics by giving you arch support.

6) Be Aware of Your Posture

Nowadays we're bombarded with technology and unfortunately, it doesn't benefit our spine. A key factor for preventing back pain is maintaining good posture throughout the day and, as mentioned earlier, even at night while you sleep. Your ears, shoulders, hips, and ankles should make a straight line. Observing your profile picture will tell you if you are letting your head, shoulders, and hips lean forward. This misalignment in the rest of your body causes your feet to exteriorly rotate and is the foundation of many health problems. It also works inversely, if your feet are not properly positioned it affects the rest of your body's alignment.

7) Stay Hydrated
Drinking plenty of water has many benefits we all know about, however, joint health is another surprising advantage to staying hydrated. An article by the  (Spine Institute of North America)  notes that spinal discs rehydrate during the night with the water consumed that day.

This means that if you don't drink enough water, your vertebrates won't have the cushioning effect your spinal discs provide. Older adults have a diminished thirst reflex, making it more common for them to be dehydrated. This adds to the back issues that come with age.

8) Pay Attention To Pain
Pain is a signal that indicates to you the need for correcting a problem. It is easy to take medication and erase the pain, but that is not advisable. Instead, search for the root reason of what is causing the pain and correct it. By ignoring the pain, you put yourself at risk for an even bigger problem. Catch the pain early to avoid major back pain.

PaStart With Your Feet
Healthy spinal alignment is reflected in the condition of your feet. SelectFlex Arch Control Insoles provide the customizeable arch support that you can only get from orthotics. Step into the prevention of back pain and other ailments by giving your feet the support they need. Visit our website (www.SelecFlex.com) or call (844) 570-1862 to learn more about how you can give your body support, stability, alignment, cushioning, and mobility with orthotic insoles.