Morton's neuroma is a common foot condition that can cause pain and discomfort in the toes. Also known as plantar neuroma or interdigital neuroma, it occurs when the tissue surrounding the nerves leading to the toes becomes inflamed and compresses them.
If the neuroma on the foot is not treated in the best way, it is possible for the condition to increase its level of discomfort. Therefore, if you don't know what it is and you are looking for solutions for Morton's neuroma, we are going to explain in this article what treatments will help you.
Main causes of Morton's neuroma
The onset of Morton's neuroma can be caused by different factors. The main cause is repetitive compression of the digital plantar nerve located between the toes. This compression can come from several factors, including:
- Improper footwear: Wearing tight, high-heeled or narrow-toed shoes can compress the toes and put pressure on the nerves.
- Repetitive injuries: Activities that require repetitive foot movements, such as running or jumping, can cause irritation and pressure on the nerves, which can lead to the formation of a neuroma in the foot.
- Foot anatomy: Some people may be genetically predisposed to developing a Morton's neuroma due to an anatomical structure of the foot that makes the nerves more susceptible to compression.
- Diseases and conditions: Certain diseases and conditions, such as flat feet, arthritis or tarsal tunnel syndrome, may increase the risk of developing this condition.
The importance of making a diagnosis
The importance of diagnosis lies in several reasons. First, diagnosis helps rule out other conditions that may be causing your symptoms, such as a fracture, muscle injury or nerve damage elsewhere in the body.
Second, an accurate diagnosis allows for a treatment plan specific to each individual. Treatment may include a change in footwear, physical therapy, medication or, in severe cases, surgery.
Finally, it can prevent long-term complications. If Morton's neuroma is not treated properly, it can lead to permanent nerve damage in the foot, which can affect mobility and sensation of the toes.
Treatments for Morton's neuroma
There are several effective treatments to relieve the symptoms of Morton's neuroma. The recommended treatment depends on the severity of the symptoms and the underlying cause of the condition. Some options include:
Orthopedic insoles
If Morton's neuroma is mild, a popular treatment option is an orthotic sole. This is a tool that contains a special pad designed to relieve pain and provide support to the metatarsal arch.
Today, there are many options for orthotics in Canada. However, if you want high-quality, adjustable insoles, we invite you to try our Select Flex orthotic shoe inserts. It contains three adjustable height levels that you can adjust to relieve the pain of Morton's neuroma and continue your activities without difficulty.
Change of shoes
One of the most common causes of Morton's neuroma is wearing the wrong shoes. It is recommended to wear shoes that are comfortable and provide enough room for the toes. Shoes with a wide toe box, cushioned insoles or arch support may help reduce pressure on the nerves of the foot.
Physical therapy
Another treatment is to perform Morton's neuroma exercises. These can help to significantly reduce inflammation, improve strength and overall flexibility of the foot. However, it is important to seek the advice of a good podiatrist to index the proper exercises to avoid nerve pain in the foot.
Morton's neuroma surgery
In severe cases, when non-surgical treatments do not relieve symptoms, surgery may be required to remove Morton's neuroma. Surgery is performed under local anesthesia and can be performed on an outpatient basis.