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How many times have we heard people ask, ‘What’s your return on investment on that project’ or ‘How much are we going to make and will it be profitable’? The principle of a return on investment (ROI) is to ensure that your investment receives the same amount of money back – or even more. From the prism of corporate wellness, when we invest in our workers we are also investing in our return. This is even more important in today’s world as much of the ongoing workforce is exposed to the Coronavirus. Keeping our workforce in the best shape possible, with the strongest immune systems, entails addressing their needs from the top of their heads to the tips of their toes.

As it relates to the tips of the toes, without proper foot support and shock absorption, workers who walk or stand for long periods of time during their workday are susceptible to pain and harmful musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) that can have lasting effects on the body (ErgoPlus). Just as steel-toe footwear is often required as personal protective equipment for workers, insoles are essential for preventing pain and fatigue. Aches and pains in the body associated with foot issues can also impact workers’ knees and back. Understandably, this can result in reduced employee work productivity, absenteeism or, in terms of individual employee efficiency, a less than optimal return on your investment.

Poor Foot Support Can Cost Employers Big $$$$

Employees who work on their feet everyday are at higher risk of MSDs. Physical work requirements within manufacturing, construction, healthcare, transportation, and similar industries include prolonged standing, static postures, overexertion, and repetitive motion, which can lead to aches, pain, and injuries on the job. Standing five hours a day contributes to significant and prolonged lower-limb muscle fatigue, raising your risk for long-term back pain and musculoskeletal disorders (WebMD). A recent study in Human Factors details that almost half of all workers worldwide spend more than three-quarters of their workday standing. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, more than 60,000 foot injuries per year result in lost work days and the average cost of a lost work day foot injury is $9,600. (Occupational Health & Safety).

Investing In Your Employees Feet = Growing Your Own Bottom Line

Every seven seconds a worker suffers from an injury on the job (Corporate Wellness Magazine.Com)Let’s face it, investing funds into any project certainly comes with a responsibility of understanding the potential for returns. Therefore, ROI is an important aspect of corporate wellness nowadays. Ignoring foot care can escalate many issues with employee health including, but not limited to, soreness of the feet, legs, knees, hips, and lower back, as well as balance issues. The end result is joint and muscle pain throughout the body in addition to overall fatigue. These problems are especially acute when the work environment includes hard surfaces, which are common in many workplaces both indoors and outdoors.

When employees are suffering from pain and fatigue, they are less energetic and less productive. Not only does morale take a hit but pain may also lead to lost-time injuries. Thankfully, solutions exist today that can reduce the negative impact of the work environment on employees' feet.

Insoles vs. Matting

Organizations usually consider two options to reduce employee pain and fatigue. Insoles and floor matting. Insoles offer numerous advantages compared to anti-fatigue mats, including easier installation, reduced costs, and the ability to protect mobile workers. However, there are numerous types of insoles available and workers require different insoles to address various levels of comfort and support for different job functions.

Personal insoles offer flexibility to both employees and organizations, making them an attractive solution (Canadian Centre for Occupational Health & Safety). These benefits include:

  • Ability to wear anywhere. Insoles can be implemented instantly without training and go wherever the worker goes. This makes them an ideal solution for both stationary and mobile workers who work both indoors and outdoors.

  • Personalized comfort. Employees can select the type of insole that best matches their needs, allowing for personalized comfort based on their size, foot characteristics, and arch type.

  • Direct contact with the body. As insoles are placed inside the footwear, they provide an ergonomic solution 100% of the time.

  • Reduced risk. Insoles reduce the risks of slips, trips, and falls by increasing balance, making the workplace safer and lowering expenses related to workers’ compensation claims. With matting, the edges could curl up and create tripping hazards.

  • Easy to implement. Insole programs are simple to implement, particularly if you have conducted a wear trial with a key group of employees first.

  • Cost effective. Insoles are more affordable than floor matting. Quality insoles can also stand the test of time, resulting in infrequent replacement.

Choosing the Correct Insole for Each Individual

To select the right insole for each employee, it's essential to determine what is needed most—shock absorption, support, or addressing pre-existing foot conditions.  Finding an insole that offers customizable comfort options allows companies to offer a solution for workers in any environment.

Insoles that provide shock absorption can be used to prevent health and pain issues, while those that provide more support can move the foot into the correct neutral position and realign it with other body parts. Insoles that are designed to properly support arches are not the same as insoles that are formed to the exact shape of one’s foot.  Heat-molding orthotic devices do not have a measurable effect on the biomechanical variables compared to the non-molded condition, because they’re not firm enough to provide corrective support (Journal of Foot & Ankle Research). Most importantly, these types of insoles reinforce the incorrect arch that's already causing foot pain and don’t offer pronation control.

Investing in your employees’ health, especially as it relates to workers on their feet all day, will pay immeasurable dividends. Not only will there be quantifiable benefits to the bottom line in the form of more productive and efficient employees, but priceless benefits achieved when employees are happier and healthier as well.





Our feet do the grunt work by supporting our entire bodies every day. They carry us from place to place, from infancy through adulthood, covering upwards of 100,000 miles in our lifetime (Moonwalkers.com).  During a normal work day, depending upon the work you perform, the average steps you take can be as little as 6,600 and as high as 22,800.  An office worker averages 7,500 steps per day while a waiter / waitress tops the list at nearly 23,000.  Nurses, retail workers, farmers, teachers and Tradespeople are all well over 10,000 steps per day, reflecting the need to make sure our feet are well taken care of (Healthline.com-Average Steps by Occupation).  Our feet are the very foundation for our bodies but are typically ignored until there’s a problem. Once there’s a problem, it can affect our entire body’s overall health. Since our feet work so hard for us, why don’t we take care of them before any problems begin?  Let’s go over some ways we can care for our feet and keep them healthy as they carry us through both our workday and life

Take the Time to Evaluate Your Footwear

Wearing shoes with little to no arch support can wreak havoc on your body. Not only does a good supportive shoe provide a steady foundation and balance, but it also contributes to your overall activity level. Your arch comes under the most strain as you stand and walk. Without support, you may experience back pain, foot pain, and even headaches or stomach aches.

Your shoes need to match the demands of your work, but they also need to match the individual biomechanics of your feet and gait. Understanding the needs of your foot mechanics first will help you select footwear that works well for your feet and your work.

If you are in a work environment that that requires you to be on your feet most of the day such as construction, delivery personnel, beautician or manufacturing shop floor, it is imperative to maintain proper arch support as well as maintaining overall foot comfort.  Without proper arch support, you could ultimately be causing improper balance on your lower extremities leading to lower back pain and sore & fatigued legs and feet (Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety).

Even in a corporate setting, it can be challenging to find proper footwear when you work at a desk.  Slip on shoes and moccasins provide the least amount of support.  If you can wear a shoe with laces at work, choose one with multiple eyelets. The more a shoe has, the more it can conform to the shape of your foot, providing the best support.

Consider Using Footwear’s Little Helper (shoe inserts)

The mechanics of your feet may warrant the need for additional support. This may come in the form of over-the-counter arch supports or custom foot orthotics depending on your needs.  Purchasing a good shoe insert is imperative to make even the least supportive shoes more foot health-friendly.

If you stand for longer than 5 hours a day at your job, you should especially consider orthotic inserts (Commercial Construction Mag). By standing that amount of time, it places greater strain on your feet and can increase your risk of developing plantar fasciitis. Plantar fasciitis is an overuse injury to the plantar fascia. The plantar fascia is a broad ligament on the base of your foot which extends from your heel to the base of your toes.

The Wonders of Compression Socks

When you stand for long periods of time, blood pools in your feet and ankles. This causes them to swell and become uncomfortable. Compression socks are designed to help push blood up the legs, towards the heart and back into circulation. This helps increase the efficiency of blood circulation in your feet and legs.

Alternate Your Footwear

Over time, our shoes lose their ability to absorb shock as well as they once did when they were new. This means that our feet and joints must instead take on the extra shock that our new shoes used to provide.

If possible, avoid wearing the same pair of shoes to work each day. By alternating footwear every day, you will increase the amount of cushioning recovery in the midsoles of your shoes and lengthen their overall lifespan.

Practice Stretches Throughout The Day

Use a massage ball to perform performing foot and leg stretches throughout the day. They are great for massaging the tissue in your feet throughout the day, which can help reduce fatigue and promotes circulation (Natural Footgear).

Simply roll the ball under your feet back and forth along the arches. This will help to alleviate tension in the muscles and fascia. You can use your coffee breaks and lunch breaks to stretch your feet and calves.


There are plenty of lotions and creams out there that are touted as the best for your feet. Any of them will do. The real trick to moisturizing your feet is to make sure you are first exfoliating. Get rid of any dead skin cells so that your dry feet will be ready to receive new moisture.

You can use a simple washcloth after soaking your feet, or a loofah or pumice stone for those extra dry, callused areas. Adding some Epsom salt to your bath can help soften the skin on your feet, making it easier to remove any dead skin.

Follow your exfoliation with a lotion or petroleum jelly to seal in moisture. Most of all, be consistent. Your feet crave moisture daily. Make sure your body is also hydrated from the inside by drinking plenty of water and eating a diet rich in Omega fatty acids.


construction worker

Construction is hard on your body and most especially your feet and joints. I am really proud of my job being a productive member of society fabricating infrastructure and buildings but have found in my later years my feet have begun to hurt at the end for the day.

Humans have walked on the planet for thousands of years, but over the past 200 years, our environment has changed significantly. Our feet are designed for a softer terrain, but today, we walk on mostly hard, flat concrete surfaces. This forces our feet to flatten and twist with every step, especially wearing heavy boots without the proper insoles.


Even when I’m not at the construction site, my foot issues are made worse by our modern lifestyles. We are more sedentary in our daily lives than ever before, spending much of our time sitting in front of a computer screen, desk, or TV. Our feet are less accustomed to the same level of activity, so when we physically challenge ourselves, the joints, muscles and tendons are put under strain they are not used to.

Most boots come fitted with generic insoles that provide slight relief for a few days. I’ve found these cushioned inserts lack structure and offer minimal arch support. This leaves my feet and arches exposed to repetitive injury and pain due to lack of corrective support, especially as I age.

It took me years on the job before I figured out I can stay on my feet longer with the right kind of foot support, such as orthotic insoles for construction workers. Proper boot insoles that provide arch support help distribute your weight across your foot. Flat-footed people especially need foot support and should use a footwear insole with a deep heel cup to stabilize the back of the foot while distributing weight across the base uniformly.

Get relief


After trying quite a few insoles that never seemed to get the job done, I discovered SelectFlex, the first arch adjustable insole that conforms to your arch, repeatedly lifting and supporting with every step throughout the day. As the best insoles for construction workers, SelectFlex allows you to adjust your arch support specifically to your foot with its PowerLifting Arch insoles, and the heel cup relieves the stress being on your feet can have on the rest of your body with a heel cup that provides up to 50% greater joint alignment and stability.

If you’re ready for a day on your feet with less pain, SelectFlex makes it easy with a money back guarantee! The only thing you have to lose is pain!


PowerLift Arch-Patented dynamic arch remains in constant contact with the arch of the foot to provide dynamic support on every down step and uplifting energy into every up step. Competitors provide down step support only.

PowerBeam-Provides dynamic arch support, absorbs energy on every down step and smoothly releases energy into the PowerLift Arch when you step off to help propel you forward.

PowerController- Adjusts amount of dynamic energy stored and smoothly released into the PowerLift Arch in perfect cadence to support your every step.

PowerCup-Optimally contoured heel cup delivers exceptional shock absorption, up to 50% greater ankle stability, safety and skeletal alignment for less stress on knees, hips and back.

Being on your feet all day takes a toll on your feet, joints, and back. Why wait any longer to do something about it. Get SelectFlex.

Get relief - Buy now